tirsdag 26. mai 2009

Dear first year students!

So, a little advice to you about how to study when you have a laptop in front of you at all times. I'm not going to tell you not to use facebook or msn in class. I mean, we all used it and I guess we have turned out OK =) So the best advice I can give you is to check facebook, VG and so on first thing each morning, then you're done when the teacher is actually ready to start the class. Having your own laptop at school is pretty great! The opportunities are endless. I would especially advise you to use the program OneNote! It's great for organizing your notes and will help you a lot when you take your exam. It certainly helped me!
So just use your head and do the things you are expected to do, and things will be great! Good luck at Sandvika VGS and enjoy yout time here;)

1 kommentar:

Ann S. Michaelsen sa...

Thank you! Great advice and also a great blog!