tirsdag 27. januar 2009
My Home Town<3
In Asker you will also find Norway's crown prince and his family, living just a 10 minute walk from my place. I can imagine you might think it sounds a bit strange that royalty can live “amongst” the people, but in my home town they can! You see, Asker is a pretty quite place to live in, with a lot of great nature and all kinds of opportunities for the community. The only thing not so great about Asker becomes clear during the weekends. There are no places to go if you're not over 20. That's because the age limit for drinking booze is 20 years. Luckily Oslo is only a 25 minute train ride away with many beer-serving places for the 18-year olds=) So as you see, Asker is kind of unique. It's not too small and not too big. And what you can't find down town, what you need is never far away!
søndag 18. januar 2009
tirsdag 6. januar 2009
Here is just a little glogsterwork I have done for the book "Into the Wild" by Jon Krakauer. It's a special book about a special boy. In a weird way Chris moved something in me. At times it was almost as if I could feel what I imagine he must have felt. At one point doing well at school, keeping a well paid job and having a social life, doesn't feel fulfilling anymore. Other people’s admiration doesn't make you feel good about yourself. And the time spent alone is the best time. I guess I would never go to the same extreme measures as Chris did, but I can still dream about having and adventure on my own, maybe not in the Alaskan wilderness, but somewhere else, not so dangerous. The thing Chris McCandless said about the fact that "happiness is only real when shared" is true, at least in the long run.